Post by Richard HatherallDear Mac users,
Yesterday I asked Borland whether Mac OS X would be supported and they
came back to me with this: -
"Just to be clear about this, no. JBuilder2006 will not be supported on
the Mac and was not tested on that platform."
I have to say I am a bit livid about this. [...]
This is not official, but my guess is that it was
a matter of timing. JBuilder 2006 was just released.
So, cast your mind back some nine months when
development *and testing* of JBuilder 2006 probably began.
What was the state of Java 5 on OS X at that time?
Non-existent. It only became available as a "Release 1",
buried deep in Apple's Web site -- in the "Support"
pages. It's not advertised even to this day on the
front "Java on OS X" page, not that I could see.
And finally, it's also only available for Tiger
which itself was just being adopted and had
penetrated less than ~15% of the user base, if I
remember the figures from Job's *June 2006* WWDC
keynote. (My Cube is still running Panther, albeit
with frequent SecurityServer crashes, and I just
got done installing Panther on this Pismo which I
use for all my TeamB work, email, OmniGraffle, ssh
to work on client's Linux machines, and other
"productivity" kind of stuff. So, I'm not running
Java 5 on OS X and I doubt very many others are.)
Therefore, given what essentially was the non-availability
of Java 5 on OS X and no forecast (you do know that
Apple doesn't ever say much about the future of anything
at Apple -- Jobs just commented on "what's up with all
the secrecy at Apple" just last week in an interview),
what would you have done as the JBuilder product and
development manager, working with what I imagine was
restrained budgeting since apparently, you and just
a handful of folks are still paying for their IDE?
Everyone wants one for free and really doesn't seem
to care about quality or productivity.
Again, the above is just a guess as to why no JBuilder 2006
is being supported on OS X. This kind of thing has plagued
JBuilder for OS X releases a number of times before, and
each time, someone in the community has worked their butt
off to figure out how to install it (usually from the Linux
distro, or a copied and rearranged Windows installation)
and how to run it. Lori says she's working on it, and I
imagine others are too. Stay tuned: this newsgroup is
where all the other solutions were provided, and I expect
that that will be the case this time.
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)
Save time, search the archives:
Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?
Finally, please send responses to the newsgroup only.
That means, do not send email directly to me.
Thank you.