Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
2006-02-10 16:49:33 UTC
It appears that the launcher which JBuilder typically uses
to start up won't work on the new Core Duo iMacs. I suspect
it'll be the same story on the upcoming MacBook Pro.
Anyway, I decided to dig up the shell scripts which we worked
on here in this newsgroup (originally contributed by Dave Yost
back in the JBuilder 7 era), and try modifying one for JBuilder 2005.
Well, I'm happy to report that after a small bit of fiddling,
I think I have a working script. There were some odd errors
popping up, and I had to do some Googling. There are very few
reports out there on Java problems with Core Duos -- just too
new, I guess.
Startup time on a Core Duo 1.83 MHz, 512 MB RAM (I know, I should
and will get more) is about 15 seconds. Very nice compared to
times on the Pismo and Cube.
Here are the steps I took to install JBuilder 2005.
1. I copied an existing installation from my aging Pismo.
2. This Core Duo has JDKs 1.3.x, 1.4.x, 1.5.0 installed out
of the box. In a Terminal window, "java -version" reveals
java version "1.4.2_09"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_09-239)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2-66, mixed mode)
Note: you could probably install from the CD, but if you do,
backup the /usr/local/bin directory. There were verified reports
which say that the installation will wipe /usr/local/bin (for no
good reason). If you have anything installed in /usr/local/bin,
back it up!
Here's the script, but be forewarned, it may not work on your
Core Duo. Cut between the **** and paste into a text file
using something like Text Wrangler. Save the file to your
home directory, name it jbuilder2005.command.
# Credits:
# Original author -- Dave Yost (for JBuilder 7!)
# Modifications -- Paul Furbacher
# Use at your own risk; make modifications according to
# your installation.
# Optional arguments in the last line of this script:
# -info prints out info equivalent to that found in the About
# box > Info tab.
# -verbose prints out a verbose record of the OpenTool initialization
# and more
# -license starts the License Manager
echo "Environment"
# This next "echo" line seems to be critical to avoiding the following
# Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/misc/Perf
# at com.borland.primetime.util.Profiler.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
# at com.borland.primetime.PrimeTime.k(Unknown Source)
# at
com.borland.primetime.PrimeTime.initializeOpenTools(Unknown Source)
# at
com.borland.primetime.PrimeTime.initializeOpenTools(Unknown Source)
# at com.borland.primetime.PrimeTime.start(Unknown Source)
# at com.borland.jbuilder.JBuilder.main(Unknown Source)
# The inspiration for this "fix" is from this:
echo `java -version` ""
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
then args="-info"
else args=$@
echo $args
# The recommended JDK for JBuilder 2005 is JDK 1.4.2.
cd $JBUILDER_HOME/JBuilder.framework/bin
# Dynamically create the classpath; this catches any Open Tools
# or patches you may have installed.
jars=`find ../patch ../lib ../lib/ext -name \*.jar | tr '\012' : `
/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/$jdk/Commands/java \
2005":icon=$JBUILDER_HOME/ \
-Xmaxf0.2 \
-Xminf0.2 \
-D$menubar=true \
-Dapple.awt.showGrowBox=$useGrowBox \
-Xverify:none \
-Xbootclasspath/p:$xbootcp \
-Xms32m \
-Xmx256m \
-cp ${jars}:/System/Library/Java \
com.borland.jbuilder.JBuilder $args
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)
Save time, search the archives:
Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?
Finally, please send responses to the newsgroup only.
That means, do not send email directly to me.
Thank you.
to start up won't work on the new Core Duo iMacs. I suspect
it'll be the same story on the upcoming MacBook Pro.
Anyway, I decided to dig up the shell scripts which we worked
on here in this newsgroup (originally contributed by Dave Yost
back in the JBuilder 7 era), and try modifying one for JBuilder 2005.
Well, I'm happy to report that after a small bit of fiddling,
I think I have a working script. There were some odd errors
popping up, and I had to do some Googling. There are very few
reports out there on Java problems with Core Duos -- just too
new, I guess.
Startup time on a Core Duo 1.83 MHz, 512 MB RAM (I know, I should
and will get more) is about 15 seconds. Very nice compared to
times on the Pismo and Cube.
Here are the steps I took to install JBuilder 2005.
1. I copied an existing installation from my aging Pismo.
2. This Core Duo has JDKs 1.3.x, 1.4.x, 1.5.0 installed out
of the box. In a Terminal window, "java -version" reveals
java version "1.4.2_09"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_09-239)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2-66, mixed mode)
Note: you could probably install from the CD, but if you do,
backup the /usr/local/bin directory. There were verified reports
which say that the installation will wipe /usr/local/bin (for no
good reason). If you have anything installed in /usr/local/bin,
back it up!
Here's the script, but be forewarned, it may not work on your
Core Duo. Cut between the **** and paste into a text file
using something like Text Wrangler. Save the file to your
home directory, name it jbuilder2005.command.
# Credits:
# Original author -- Dave Yost (for JBuilder 7!)
# Modifications -- Paul Furbacher
# Use at your own risk; make modifications according to
# your installation.
# Optional arguments in the last line of this script:
# -info prints out info equivalent to that found in the About
# box > Info tab.
# -verbose prints out a verbose record of the OpenTool initialization
# and more
# -license starts the License Manager
echo "Environment"
# This next "echo" line seems to be critical to avoiding the following
# Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/misc/Perf
# at com.borland.primetime.util.Profiler.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
# at com.borland.primetime.PrimeTime.k(Unknown Source)
# at
com.borland.primetime.PrimeTime.initializeOpenTools(Unknown Source)
# at
com.borland.primetime.PrimeTime.initializeOpenTools(Unknown Source)
# at com.borland.primetime.PrimeTime.start(Unknown Source)
# at com.borland.jbuilder.JBuilder.main(Unknown Source)
# The inspiration for this "fix" is from this:
echo `java -version` ""
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
then args="-info"
else args=$@
echo $args
# The recommended JDK for JBuilder 2005 is JDK 1.4.2.
cd $JBUILDER_HOME/JBuilder.framework/bin
# Dynamically create the classpath; this catches any Open Tools
# or patches you may have installed.
jars=`find ../patch ../lib ../lib/ext -name \*.jar | tr '\012' : `
/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/$jdk/Commands/java \
2005":icon=$JBUILDER_HOME/ \
-Xmaxf0.2 \
-Xminf0.2 \
-D$menubar=true \
-Dapple.awt.showGrowBox=$useGrowBox \
-Xverify:none \
-Xbootclasspath/p:$xbootcp \
-Xms32m \
-Xmx256m \
-cp ${jars}:/System/Library/Java \
com.borland.jbuilder.JBuilder $args
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)
Save time, search the archives:
Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?
Finally, please send responses to the newsgroup only.
That means, do not send email directly to me.
Thank you.