Running JBuilder 2005 on Core Duo iMacs -- use this shell script
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Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
2006-02-10 16:49:33 UTC
It appears that the launcher which JBuilder typically uses
to start up won't work on the new Core Duo iMacs. I suspect
it'll be the same story on the upcoming MacBook Pro.

Anyway, I decided to dig up the shell scripts which we worked
on here in this newsgroup (originally contributed by Dave Yost
back in the JBuilder 7 era), and try modifying one for JBuilder 2005.
Well, I'm happy to report that after a small bit of fiddling,
I think I have a working script. There were some odd errors
popping up, and I had to do some Googling. There are very few
reports out there on Java problems with Core Duos -- just too
new, I guess.

Startup time on a Core Duo 1.83 MHz, 512 MB RAM (I know, I should
and will get more) is about 15 seconds. Very nice compared to
times on the Pismo and Cube.

Here are the steps I took to install JBuilder 2005.

1. I copied an existing installation from my aging Pismo.

2. This Core Duo has JDKs 1.3.x, 1.4.x, 1.5.0 installed out
of the box. In a Terminal window, "java -version" reveals

java version "1.4.2_09"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_09-239)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2-66, mixed mode)

Note: you could probably install from the CD, but if you do,
backup the /usr/local/bin directory. There were verified reports
which say that the installation will wipe /usr/local/bin (for no
good reason). If you have anything installed in /usr/local/bin,
back it up!

Here's the script, but be forewarned, it may not work on your
Core Duo. Cut between the **** and paste into a text file
using something like Text Wrangler. Save the file to your
home directory, name it jbuilder2005.command.


# Credits:
# Original author -- Dave Yost (for JBuilder 7!)
# Modifications -- Paul Furbacher
# Use at your own risk; make modifications according to
# your installation.

# Optional arguments in the last line of this script:
# -info prints out info equivalent to that found in the About
# box > Info tab.
# -verbose prints out a verbose record of the OpenTool initialization
# and more
# -license starts the License Manager

echo "Environment"


# This next "echo" line seems to be critical to avoiding the following
# Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/misc/Perf
# at com.borland.primetime.util.Profiler.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
# at com.borland.primetime.PrimeTime.k(Unknown Source)
# at
com.borland.primetime.PrimeTime.initializeOpenTools(Unknown Source)
# at
com.borland.primetime.PrimeTime.initializeOpenTools(Unknown Source)
# at com.borland.primetime.PrimeTime.start(Unknown Source)
# at com.borland.jbuilder.JBuilder.main(Unknown Source)
# The inspiration for this "fix" is from this:

echo `java -version` ""

if [ $# -eq 0 ]
then args="-info"
else args=$@

echo $args


# The recommended JDK for JBuilder 2005 is JDK 1.4.2.




cd $JBUILDER_HOME/JBuilder.framework/bin

# Dynamically create the classpath; this catches any Open Tools
# or patches you may have installed.
jars=`find ../patch ../lib ../lib/ext -name \*.jar | tr '\012' : `

/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/$jdk/Commands/java \
2005":icon=$JBUILDER_HOME/JBuilder.app/Contents/Resources/JBuilder.icns \
-Xmaxf0.2 \
-Xminf0.2 \
-D$menubar=true \
-Dapple.awt.showGrowBox=$useGrowBox \
-Xverify:none \
-Xbootclasspath/p:$xbootcp \
-Xms32m \
-Xmx256m \
-cp ${jars}:/System/Library/Java \
com.borland.jbuilder.JBuilder $args

Paul Furbacher (TeamB)

Save time, search the archives:

Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?

Finally, please send responses to the newsgroup only.
That means, do not send email directly to me.
Thank you.
Lori M Olson [TeamB]
2006-02-10 18:21:28 UTC
Paul, are you going to post this on the Apple java-dev mailing list,
too? There seems to be an extended thread on the subject...


Lori Olson [TeamB]


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Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
2006-02-10 19:31:51 UTC
Post by Lori M Olson [TeamB]
Paul, are you going to post this on the Apple java-dev mailing list,
too? There seems to be an extended thread on the subject...
I haven't been paying much attention to that list for quite some
time even though I'm still subscribed. (That's the way it is with
a number of lists but with java-dev, it was a matter of getting
tired with the tone of its major contributors: Gods descending
from on high sort of tone.)

It appears I have some more work to do because although it runs,
it does so with some anomalies. For instance, running a runtime
config always stops at some unidentified breakpoint. The Message
Pane does not show any output, and only one tab (the messages tab)
is shown (no watch, thread, etc. tabs visible). There are some
exceptions being thrown in the Terminal window when you try to
debug. And so on.

One thing I did was to remove all the the MRJToolkit.jar from the
xbootclasspath setting. Something in the terminal output suggested
that TabbedPaneFix and lawt JARs contained some class(es) that were
causing a problem. With those two JARs removed from the
xbootclasspath JBuilder seems to run just fine, but didn't solve
the Message Pane problem.

I have some work to do. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to download
the XCode tools from ADC -- it gets to 99% and just hangs. I'm
suspecting that there may be something in that suite of tools that
might provide some help ... just guessing.

Hopefully someone will be playing with the script and have some
better ideas than I at the moment for getting around these problems.
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)

Save time, search the archives:

Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?

Finally, please send responses to the newsgroup only.
That means, do not send email directly to me.
Thank you.
Lori M Olson [TeamB]
2006-02-10 20:47:18 UTC
Post by Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
Post by Lori M Olson [TeamB]
Paul, are you going to post this on the Apple java-dev mailing list,
too? There seems to be an extended thread on the subject...
I haven't been paying much attention to that list for quite some
time even though I'm still subscribed. (That's the way it is with
a number of lists but with java-dev, it was a matter of getting
tired with the tone of its major contributors: Gods descending
from on high sort of tone.)
Snort. I just read that one thread and got that impression. :-)
Post by Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
It appears I have some more work to do because although it runs,
it does so with some anomalies. For instance, running a runtime
config always stops at some unidentified breakpoint. The Message
Pane does not show any output, and only one tab (the messages tab)
is shown (no watch, thread, etc. tabs visible). There are some
exceptions being thrown in the Terminal window when you try to
debug. And so on.
The jbuilder.config file has these lines, which explicitly list a lot of
the stuff you need (and do not need) to load in the script:

# Put the Light AWT wrapper and various JDK fixes on the boot path
addbootpath ../lib/javac.jar
addbootpath ../lib/lawt.jar
addbootpath ../lib/platform/DesignerSwingFixes.mac.jar
addbootpath ../lib/XPTreeUIFix.jar
addbootpath ../lib/TabbedPaneFix.jar
addbootpath ../lib/SequencedEventFix.jar
addbootpath ../lib/PopupFixes.jar

# Make sure to skip the sanctuary.jar
addskippath ../lib/sanctuary.jar

# Add all JAR files located in the patch, lib and lib/ext directory
addjars ../patch
addjars ../lib
addjars ../lib/bes
addjars ../lib/servers
addjars ../lib/ext

If you recurse through all the other *.config files that the
jbuilder.config file uses, you should be able to come up with a properly
ordered list of stuff for the bootpath and classpath.

I'm working with your script but on JBuilder 2006. Last time I tried
the script way I could not get past the license manager.

I did get JB2006 up and going with some not-quite-there launchers from
(a Borland guy who will remain anonymous, unless he wants to weight in
here). But couldn't get ANY run-time configurations to work, so...

But since those launchers let me register, maybe I can go back to the
script again...

<scurrying off to work on scripts/>

Lori Olson [TeamB]


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Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
2006-02-11 05:07:33 UTC
Post by Lori M Olson [TeamB]
The jbuilder.config file has these lines, which explicitly list a lot of
# Put the Light AWT wrapper and various JDK fixes on the boot path
addbootpath ../lib/javac.jar
# Make sure to skip the sanctuary.jar
addskippath ../lib/sanctuary.jar
# Add all JAR files located in the patch, lib and lib/ext directory
addjars ../patch
addjars ../lib
addjars ../lib/bes
addjars ../lib/servers
addjars ../lib/ext
If you recurse through all the other *.config files that the
jbuilder.config file uses, you should be able to come up with a properly
ordered list of stuff for the bootpath and classpath.
Okay, I've made some mods based on the script you posted in
attachments. But that has not remedied the problems with the
Message Pane, so I won't post the amended script.

One thing I had not tried in the first go-round was to just
do a Run (I invariably start things in the debugger).

Running a runtime config (as opposed to debugging one), I get
more normal output to the Message Pane (particularly the first
line which contains the command-line), but I also get this error:

2006-02-10 23:43:46.963 java[584] CFLog (0): CFMessagePort:
bootstrap_register(): failed 1103 (0x44f), port = 0xf203, name =
See /usr/include/servers/bootstrap_defs.h for the error codes.
2006-02-10 23:43:46.964 java[584] CFLog (99):
CFMessagePortCreateLocal(): failed to name Mach port

Googling "CFMessagePort" suggests that the error is more or less
harmless. Here is an example explanation for the BlueJ IDE:


Furthermore, ***no*** tabs appear in the Message Pane! And
instead of the runtime config's name "Tree Control" (I'm running
the samples/Swing/TreeControl project), the Run tab displays
"Application1"! Very strange.

Back to fiddling ... if I come up with any more ideas. At the
moment, I'm kind of depleted.
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)

Save time, search the archives:

Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?

Finally, please send responses to the newsgroup only.
That means, do not send email directly to me.
Thank you.
Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
2006-02-11 05:44:03 UTC
I forgot to add that when I debug run a runtime config,
I get the following output to the terminal window:

apple.awt.EventQueueExceptionHandler Caught Throwable :
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sun.jdi.VirtualMachine.canBeModified()Z
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sun.jdi.VirtualMachine.canBeModified()Z
at com.borland.jbuilder.runtime.JavaProcess.restart(Unknown
at com.borland.jbuilder.runtime.JavaProcess.start(Unknown Source)
at com.borland.jbuilder.runtime.JavaRunner.run(Unknown Source)
at com.borland.jbuilder.runtime.RuntimeActionPool.run(Unknown
com.borland.jbuilder.runtime.RuntimeActionPool$0$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:478)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:100)

Google returns no results for

+canBeModified +EventQueueExceptionHandler

Is it possible that because I don't have Developer Tools (i.e.,
XCode 2.2.1) installed that I don't have the debugging libraries?


Here is the contents of the Terminal window when JBuilder starts up in
the -verbose -info mode:

Last login: Sat Feb 11 00:28:21 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
/Users/pf/JBuilder\ startup\ scripts/jbuilder2005.command; exit
iMac:~ pf$ /Users/pf/JBuilder\ startup\ scripts/jbuilder2005.command; exit
java version "1.4.2_09"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_09-239)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2-66, mixed mode)

Xbootclasspath/p =
Xbootclasspath/a =

JBuilder 2005 Enterprise
Copyright (c) 1996 - 2004 Borland Software Corporation. All rights

apple.awt.showGrowBox : true
apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar : true
awt.nativeDoubleBuffering : true
awt.toolkit : apple.awt.CToolkit
file.encoding : MacRoman
file.encoding.pkg : sun.io
file.separator : /
gopherProxySet : false
java.awt.graphicsenv : apple.awt.CGraphicsEnvironment
java.awt.printerjob : apple.awt.CPrinterJob
java.class.path :
java.class.version : 48.0
java.endorsed.dirs :
java.ext.dirs :
java.home :
java.io.tmpdir : /tmp
java.library.path :
java.protocol.handler.pkgs : null|com.borland.primetime
java.runtime.name : Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment,
Standard Edition
java.runtime.version : 1.4.2_09-239
java.specification.name : Java Platform API Specification
java.specification.vendor : Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.specification.version : 1.4
: java.util.prefs.MacOSXPreferencesFactory
java.vendor : Apple Computer, Inc.
java.vendor.url : http://apple.com/
java.vendor.url.bug : http://developer.apple.com/java/
java.version : 1.4.2_09
java.vm.info : mixed mode
java.vm.name : Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
java.vm.specification.name : Java Virtual Machine Specification
java.vm.specification.vendor : Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.vm.specification.version : 1.0
java.vm.vendor : "Apple Computer, Inc."
java.vm.version : 1.4.2-66
line.separator : \n
mrj.version : 239
os.arch : i386
os.name : Mac OS X
os.version : 10.4.4
path.separator : :
sun.arch.data.model : 32
sun.awt.exception.handler :
sun.boot.class.path :
sun.boot.library.path :
sun.cpu.endian : little
sun.cpu.isalist :
sun.io.unicode.encoding : UnicodeLittle
sun.java2d.fontpath :
sun.os.patch.level : unknown
user.country : US
user.dir :
user.home : /Users/pf
user.language : en
user.name : pf
user.timezone : America/New_York

Optimizeit Profiler could not find the directory where it was installed.
Please perform the integration with JBuilder from Optimizeit again.
Optimizeit Error: failed to find Profiler class
Optimizeit Error: Failed to load null/lib/libtdl.jnilib
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Expecting an absolute path of the
library: null/lib/libtdl.jnilib
at java.lang.Runtime.load0(Runtime.java:734)
at java.lang.System.load(System.java:811)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:141)
at com.borland.primetime.PrimeTime.f(Unknown Source)
com.borland.primetime.PrimeTime.initializeOpenTools(Unknown Source)
at com.borland.jbuilder.JBuilderCore$g_.run(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:478)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:100)
Optimizeit Thread Debugger could not find the directory where it was
Please perform the integration with JBuilder from Optimizeit again.
Optimizeit Code Coverage could not find the directory where it was
Please perform the integration with JBuilder from Optimizeit again.
Optimizeit Error: Failed to load null/lib/libccsnapshot.jnilib
Optimizeit Error: failed to find CCoverage class
Optimizeit Request Analyzer could not find the directory where it was
Please perform the integration with JBuilder from Optimizeit again.
Optimizeit Error: failed to find Request Analyzer class
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)

Save time, search the archives:

Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?

Finally, please send responses to the newsgroup only.
That means, do not send email directly to me.
Thank you.
Lori M Olson [TeamB]
2006-02-11 17:51:12 UTC
Ok, debugging. I discovered that in JBuilder 2005/JDK 1.4, there is
some JDI native code. At least, there is on Windows (a DLL) and I
assume there is something similar on the Mac.

For JDK 1.5, native stuff seems gone, and there is just a sa-jdi.jar,
which seems to do the trick for me. You'll want to look carefully at
all the JDI stuff, because that's the debugger.

Also, I'm wondering if you have looked at my script for JB2006. I
discovered that I had to separate out some jars to be added to the boot
classpath. Some need to be prepended to the path, and some need to be
appended to the path.

You may find that some of your problems get fixed, if you follow that
pattern for the JB2005 script as well.

Lori Olson [TeamB]


Save yourself, and everyone else, some time and search the
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Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
2006-02-11 20:16:04 UTC
Post by Lori M Olson [TeamB]
Ok, debugging. I discovered that in JBuilder 2005/JDK 1.4, there is
some JDI native code. At least, there is on Windows (a DLL) and I
assume there is something similar on the Mac.
For JDK 1.5, native stuff seems gone, and there is just a sa-jdi.jar,
which seems to do the trick for me. You'll want to look carefully at
all the JDI stuff, because that's the debugger.
The sa-jdi.jar is not present in the system supplied libraries for
1.4.2 as far as I can tell. (That is, it's not in the place described
in sa.config, which is


(The JDK 1.5 /System/Library/Frameworks/JVM.framework/Versions/
1.5.0/Home/lib folder does contain an sa-jdi.jar, but that doesn't
do anything for running JBuilder 2005 on JDK 1.4.2.)

I did add the ../debug/jdi/jdi-unix.jar in the same manner you did
in your script.
Post by Lori M Olson [TeamB]
Also, I'm wondering if you have looked at my script for JB2006. I
discovered that I had to separate out some jars to be added to the boot
classpath. Some need to be prepended to the path, and some need to be
appended to the path.
You may find that some of your problems get fixed, if you follow that
pattern for the JB2005 script as well.
Yes, I mimicked that.

I downloaded NetBeans 5, and was able to get it running without any
problems. And debugging works. But it is running on JDK 5 ... I

I also downloaded Eclipse 3.2M4 and the SWT patch for Core Duos:


I seem to have it running, at least superficially. I haven't
yet put it through some paces.

[I'm flailing away so hard here because I have a Java Users Group
talk to give Tuesday night, and I'm planning to use this new
machine. At least they'll be wowed by something, if not
my talk.]
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)

Save time, search the archives:

Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?

Finally, please send responses to the newsgroup only.
That means, do not send email directly to me.
Thank you.
Lori M Olson [TeamB]
2006-02-11 22:28:13 UTC
Post by Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
[I'm flailing away so hard here because I have a Java Users Group
talk to give Tuesday night, and I'm planning to use this new
machine. At least they'll be wowed by something, if not
my talk.]
Well, you could try to use JB2006...

Lori Olson [TeamB]


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